Woo! It’s a new year. It's also very, very cold outside. Hope you all made it through safe and sound.
2010 is shaping up to be a big year for the Blind Eyes. We have lots of awesome stuff in store. First off, as you probably know (or
maybe you don't) we’re going to be heading back in to the studio at the end of January to start recording our sophomore album. It’s shaping up to be amazing. We’ve spent the last month or so writing a few last minute add-on songs, putting on the finishing touches, and getting ready to record. If we can keep Seth from getting off on too many Randy Newman-related tangents, the recording should go off without a hitch. We’ll also be doing live updates from the studio here and on our
Twitter page, so stay tuned for all that good stuff.
Speaking of albums, we want to say thanks for all the accolades our debut album,
Modernity, received over the last month or so! Not only was it named one of the
top 10 local albums of the year by the Riverfront Times, it also made the top ten lists for not one- not two- but three KDHX radio shows (
Afternoon Delight,
Uncontrollable Urge, and
Pop! The Beat Bubble Burst, respectively), earning it a hallowed position of #5 in the
Top Local Spins of 2009 and #35 in overall
Top Spins of 2009- along with several other personal lists posted online. We really do appreciate it and hope you like the next one as much as you liked
Modernity. And don’t forget, you can pick up your very own copy of the record online at iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, and more (see sidebar). Or, buy it at your local record store- if you live in St. Louis, that is. And, you can always get it from us at shows, which of course is the method we
all prefer.
While 2010 is still taking shape; we do have a couple of concrete things lined up. First off, we’ll be playing on
Saturday, February 27th at the Firebird with our pals
Elsinore. This is the release show for their “Chemicals” EP, so needless to say we’re super excited to be on the bill.
We will also be doing a live set and interview on KDHX on March 11th for the 2010 Space
Parlour live series! Barring anything catastrophic happening, or just the off-chance that we might totally suck, one or two of the songs from this set will appear on the Space Parlour Live CD compilation that comes out every year. So, you should definitely tune in to that.
That’s it for now. Stay glued to this page and all those other outlets of Blind Eyes-related information for more as it happens!
Love ya